
317 lines
11 KiB

import expect from "expect"
import React from "react"
import { configure, mount } from "enzyme"
import Adapter from "enzyme-adapter-react-15"
import { fromJS, List } from "immutable"
import AddForm from "src/standalone/topbar-insert/forms/components/AddForm"
import FormChild from "src/standalone/topbar-insert/forms/components/FormChild"
import FormDropdown from "src/standalone/topbar-insert/forms/components/FormDropdown"
import FormInput from "src/standalone/topbar-insert/forms/components/FormInput"
import FormInputWrapper from "src/standalone/topbar-insert/forms/components/FormInputWrapper"
import FormMap from "src/standalone/topbar-insert/forms/components/FormMap"
import InsertForm from "src/standalone/topbar-insert/forms/components/InsertForm"
import InsertFormInput from "src/standalone/topbar-insert/forms/components/InsertFormInput"
import InsertFormList from "src/standalone/topbar-insert/forms/components/InsertFormList"
import { pathForm, pathObject } from "src/standalone/topbar-insert/forms/form-objects/path-object"
import { operationForm, operationObject } from "src/standalone/topbar-insert/forms/form-objects/operation-object"
import { infoForm, infoObject } from "src/standalone/topbar-insert/forms/form-objects/info-object"
import { licenseForm} from "src/standalone/topbar-insert/forms/form-objects/license-object"
import { contactForm } from "src/standalone/topbar-insert/forms/form-objects/contact-object"
import { tagsForm, tagsObject } from "src/standalone/topbar-insert/forms/form-objects/tags-object"
import { tagForm } from "src/standalone/topbar-insert/forms/form-objects/tag-object"
import { serversForm, serversObject } from "src/standalone/topbar-insert/forms/form-objects/servers-object"
import { serverVariableForm } from "src/standalone/topbar-insert/forms/form-objects/server-variable-object"
import { externalDocumentationForm } from "src/standalone/topbar-insert/forms/form-objects/external-documentation-object"
import { addOperationTagsForm, addOperationTagsObject } from "src/standalone/topbar-insert/forms/form-objects/add-operation-tags"
import { selectOperationForm } from "src/standalone/topbar-insert/forms/form-objects/select-operation"
import { selectResponseForm } from "src/standalone/topbar-insert/forms/form-objects/select-response"
import { exampleObject, exampleForm } from "src/standalone/topbar-insert/forms/form-objects/example-value-object"
configure({ adapter: new Adapter() })
describe("editor topbar insert forms", function() {
this.timeout(10 * 1000)
let components, props
beforeEach(() => {
components = {
props = {
getComponent: (c) => components[c]
describe("operation object", function () {
let form = operationForm(null, [])
const tag = form.getIn(["tags", "defaultItem"])(null, [])
form = form
.setIn(["path", "value"], "/testpath")
.setIn(["summary", "value"], "test summary")
.setIn(["description", "value"], "test description")
.setIn(["operationid", "value"], "testid")
.setIn(["tags", "value"], new List([tag.setIn(["tag", "value"], "test tag" )]))
const object = operationObject(form)
it("should correctly process the operation form into the operation object", () => {
const expected = {
summary: "test summary",
description: "test description",
operationId: "testid",
tags: ["test tag"],
responses: {
default: {
description: "Default error sample response"
it ("should correctly render the form UI for the form object", () => {
const element = <InsertForm {...props} formData={form} />
const wrapper = mount(element)
describe("info object", () => {
const license = licenseForm(null, [], null)
.setIn(["value", "name", "value"], "test name")
.setIn(["value", "url", "value"], "test url")
const contact = contactForm(null, [])
.setIn(["value", "name", "value"], "test name")
.setIn(["value", "url", "value"], "test url")
.setIn(["value", "email", "value"], "testemail@test.com")
let form = infoForm(null, [])
.setIn(["title", "value"], "test title")
.setIn(["version", "value"], "test version")
.setIn(["description", "value"], "test description")
.setIn(["termsofservice", "value"], "testtermsofservice")
.setIn(["license"], license)
.setIn(["contact"], contact)
it("should correctly process the info form into the info object", () => {
const object = infoObject(form)
const expected = {
title: "test title",
version: "test version",
description: "test description",
termsOfService: "testtermsofservice",
license: {
name: "test name",
url: "test url"
contact: {
name: "test name",
url: "test url",
email: "testemail@test.com"
it ("should correctly render the form UI for the form object", () => {
const element = <InsertForm {...props} formData={form} />
const wrapper = mount(element)
describe("path object", () => {
let form = pathForm(null, [])
// Set some values as though the user had entered data
form = form
.setIn(["path", "value"], "/test")
.setIn(["summary", "value"], "test summary")
.setIn(["description", "value"], "test description")
it("should correctly process the path form into the path object", () => {
const object = pathObject(form)
const expected = {
key: "/test",
value: {
summary: "test summary",
description: "test description"
it ("should correctly render the form UI for the form object", () => {
const element = <InsertForm {...props} formData={form} />
const wrapper = mount(element)
describe("tag declarations object", () => {
let form = tagsForm(null, [])
const externalDocs = externalDocumentationForm(null, [])
.setIn(["url", "value"], "test url")
.setIn(["description", "value"], "test description")
const tag = tagForm(null, [])
.setIn(["name", "value"], "test tag name")
.setIn(["description", "value"], "test description")
.setIn(["externalDocs", "value"], externalDocs)
// Set some values as though the user had entered data
form = form.setIn(["tags", "value"], new List([tag]))
it("should correctly process the tag declarations form into the tags object", () => {
const object = tagsObject(form)
const expected = [
name: "test tag name",
description: "test description",
externalDocs: {
url: "test url",
description: "test description"
it ("should correctly render the form UI for the form object", () => {
const element = <InsertForm {...props} formData={form} />
const wrapper = mount(element)
describe("servers object", () => {
let form = serversForm(null, [])
const serverVariable = serverVariableForm(null, [])
.setIn(["value", 0, "value", "default", "value"], "test default")
.setIn(["value", 0, "value", "enum", "value"], fromJS([{ value: "test enum value"}]) )
.setIn(["value", 0, "value", "vardescription", "value"], "test var description")
.setIn(["value", 0, "keyValue"], "keyvalue")
form = form
.setIn(["servers", "value", 0, "url", "value"], "test url")
.setIn(["servers", "value", 0, "description", "value"], "test description")
.setIn(["servers", "value", 0, "variables"], serverVariable)
it ("should correctly process the servers form into the servers object", () => {
const object = serversObject(form)
const expected = [
url: "test url",
description: "test description",
variables: {
keyvalue: {
default: "test default",
description: "test var description",
enum: [
"test enum value"
it ("should correctly render the form UI for the form object", () => {
const element = <InsertForm {...props} formData={form} />
const wrapper = mount(element)
describe("add tags object", () => {
const selectOperation = selectOperationForm(null, [])
.setIn(["path", "value"], "/test")
.setIn(["operation", "value"], "GET")
let form = addOperationTagsForm(null, [])
.setIn(["selectoperation", "value"], selectOperation)
.setIn(["tags", "value", 0, "tag", "value"], "test tag")
it ("should correctly process the add tags to operation into the add tags object", () => {
const object = addOperationTagsObject(form)
const expected = {
selectedOperation: ["paths", "/test", "GET"],
tags: [
"test tag"
it ("should correctly render the form UI for the form object", () => {
const element = <InsertForm {...props} formData={form} />
const wrapper = mount(element)
describe("add example response object", () => {
const selectResponse = selectResponseForm(null, [])
.setIn(["path", "value"], "/test")
.setIn(["operation", "value"], "GET")
.setIn(["response", "value"], "200")
.setIn(["mediatype", "value"], "application/json")
let form = exampleForm(null, [])
.setIn(["selectresponse", "value"], selectResponse)
.setIn(["exampleName", "value"], "sample example name")
.setIn(["exampleValue", "value"], "sample example value")
it ("should correctly process the add example form into the form values object", () => {
const object = exampleObject(form)
const expected = {
responsePath: ["paths", "/test", "GET", "responses", "200", "content", "application/json", "examples"],
exampleValue: "sample example value",
exampleName: "sample example name"
it ("should correctly render the form UI for the form object", () => {
const element = <InsertForm {...props} formData={form} />
const wrapper = mount(element)