"Access to list the users.", "user.show" => "Shows another user profile.", "user.edit" => "Allows editing of other users.", "user.delete" => "Allows deleting of other users.", /** * The CALENDAR specific permissions */ "calendar.create" => "Create a new event.", "calendar.list" => "Shows all events.", "calendar.show" => "Shows a specific event.", "calendar.edit" => "Allows editing of events.", "calendar.delete" => "Allows the deletion of events.", /** * The EXTERNAL LINK specific permissions */ "link.external.create" => "Create a new external link.", "link.external.list" => "List all external links.", "link.external.show" => "Show a specific external link", "link.external.edit" => "Allows editing of external links.", "link.external.delete" => "Allows deletion of external links", ]; foreach ($permissions as $key => $value) { // if(Permission::findByName($key)) // continue; $permission = new Permission(); $permission->name = $key; $permission->description = $value; $permission->save(); } } }