import { fromJS, OrderedMap, List } from "immutable" import expect from "expect" import { validateUrl, validateAlphaNum, checkForEmptyValue, checkForErrors } from "src/standalone/topbar-insert/forms/helpers/validation-helpers" describe("editor topbar insert form validation", function() { this.timeout(10 * 1000) it("should produce no errors for a valid form", () => { const form = fromJS({ fielda: { value: "test value", isRequired: true, name: "field a" }, fieldb: { value: [ { value: "value a", isRequired: false, isValid: () => true }, { value: "value b", isRequired: false, isValid: () => true } ], isRequired: true }, fieldc: { value: "", isRequired: false } }) const errors = checkForErrors(form)[1] const updatedForm = checkForErrors(form)[0] expect(errors).toEqual(false) expect(updatedForm.getIn(["fielda", "value"])).toEqual("test value") expect(updatedForm.getIn(["fieldb", "hasErrors"])).toEqual(false) }) it("should produce errors for a form with an empty required value", () => { const form = fromJS({ fielda: { value: "", isRequired: true, name: "field a" } }) const errors = checkForErrors(form)[1] const updatedForm = checkForErrors(form)[0] expect(errors).toBeTruthy() expect(updatedForm.getIn(["fielda", "value"])).toEqual("") expect(updatedForm.getIn(["fielda", "hasErrors"])).toBeTruthy() }) it("should produce errors for a form with data that does not meet validation", () => { const form = fromJS({ fielda: { value: "@#*&$*@)#$&@#*$", isRequired: false, name: "field a", isValid: () => false } }) const errors = checkForErrors(form)[1] const updatedForm = checkForErrors(form)[0] expect(errors).toBeTruthy() expect(updatedForm.getIn(["fielda", "value"])).toEqual("@#*&$*@)#$&@#*$") expect(updatedForm.getIn(["fielda", "hasErrors"])).toBeTruthy() }) it("should correctly validate valid urls", () => { expect(validateUrl("")).toBeTruthy() expect(validateUrl("")).toBeTruthy() }) it ("should correctly validate invalid urls", () => { expect(validateUrl("")).toBeFalsy() expect(validateUrl("test")).toBeFalsy() }) it ("should correctly validate alphanumeric strings", () => { expect(validateAlphaNum("abcde12345")).toBeTruthy() expect(validateAlphaNum("42")).toBeTruthy() expect(validateAlphaNum("AaBbCc")).toBeTruthy() }) it ("should correctly validate invalid alphanumeric strings", () => { expect(validateAlphaNum("")).toBeFalsy() expect(validateAlphaNum("abc@123")).toBeFalsy() expect(validateAlphaNum("*")).toBeFalsy() }) it ("should correctly detect an empty value", () => { expect(checkForEmptyValue(new OrderedMap())).toBeTruthy() expect(checkForEmptyValue(" ")).toBeTruthy() expect(checkForEmptyValue([])).toBeTruthy() expect(checkForEmptyValue(new List())).toBeTruthy() expect(checkForEmptyValue("")).toBeTruthy() }) it ("should correclty detect a non-empty value", () => { expect(checkForEmptyValue("value")).toBeFalsy() expect(checkForEmptyValue(fromJS({ test: ""}))).toBeFalsy() expect(checkForEmptyValue(fromJS([""]))).toBeFalsy() }) })