middleware([ "auth" ])->only("logout"); $this->middleware([ "guest" ])->only("login"); $this->middleware([ "lang" ])->except(["login", "showLogin", "showForgot", "forgot"]); $this->middleware([ "check.auth:user.list" ])->only("index"); $this->middleware([ "check.auth:user.show" ])->only("show"); $this->middleware([ "check.auth:user.create" ])->only("create"); $this->middleware([ "check.auth:user.edit" ])->only(["edit", "update"]); $this->middleware([ "check.auth:user.delete" ])->only("delete"); $this->middleware([ "check.auth:ownuser.edit" ])->only(["accountupdate", "accountedit", "accounteditpass", "account"]); } /** * Display a listing of the resource. * * @param Request $request * @return \Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation\Application|\Illuminate\Contracts\View\Factory|\Illuminate\View\View */ public function index(Request $request) { //$users = User::query()->paginate($request->query("page", 20)); $users = User::query()->orderBy('id', 'asc')->paginate(20); return Response::detect("users.index", [ "users" => $users ]); } /** * Show the form for creating a new resource. * * @return \Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation\Application|\Illuminate\Contracts\View\Factory|\Illuminate\View\View */ public function create() { $roles = Role::all(); return Response::detect("users.create", ['roles' => $roles]); } /** * Store a newly created resource in storage. * * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request * @return \Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation\Application|\Illuminate\Contracts\View\Factory|\Illuminate\View\View */ public function store(Request $request) { $data = $request->validate([ "name_first" => "required|max:255", "name_last" => "required|max:255", "email" => "required", "password" => "required|max:60", "phone" => "required", ]); $allUsersEmail = User::query()->where('email', '=', $request->email)->get(); $allUsersPhone = User::query()->where('phone', '=', $request->phone)->get(); if ($request->password != $request->password2) return redirect()->route('users.create')->with('error#notsamepass', '

Der stod ikke det samme i `Password` & `Confirm Password`!

'); elseif (count($allUsersEmail) > 0) return redirect()->route('users.create')->with('EmailExists', '

Der findes allerede en bruger med den Email!

'); elseif (count($allUsersPhone) > 0) return redirect()->route('users.create')->with('PhoneExists', '

Der findes allerede en bruger med det Telefon Nr.!

'); $roles = $request->input("roles", [ "User" ]); $user = new User($data); $user->assignRole($roles); $user->save(); return redirect()->route('users.index'); } /** * Display the specified resource. * * @param int $id * @return \Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation\Application|\Illuminate\Contracts\View\Factory|\Illuminate\View\View */ public function show($id) { $user = User::find($id); return Response::detect("users.show", [ "user" => $user ]); } /** * Show the form for editing the specified resource. * * @param int $id * @return \Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation\Application|\Illuminate\Contracts\View\Factory|\Illuminate\View\View */ public function edit($id) { $roles = Role::all(); $user = User::find($id); return Response::detect("users.edit", [ "user" => $user, "roles" => $roles, ]); } /** * Update the specified resource in storage. * * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request * @param int $id * @return \Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation\Application|\Illuminate\Contracts\View\Factory|\Illuminate\View\View */ public function update(Request $request, $id) { $user = User::find($id); $allUsersEmail = User::query()->where('email', '=', $request->email)->where('id', '!=', $id)->get(); $allUsersPhone = User::query()->where('phone', '=', $request->phone)->where('id', '!=', $id)->get(); if($id === Auth::id() || auth()->user()->hasPermissionTo("user.edit")) { if ($request->roles != null && auth()->user()->hasPermissionTo("user.edit")) { //You can only edit roles on the admin site, so if there is an input roles, then update user info and edit roles if(count($allUsersEmail) > 0) return redirect()->route('users.edit', ['user' => $id])->with('EmailExists', '

Der findes allerede en bruger med den Email!

'); elseif(count($allUsersPhone) > 0) return redirect()->route('users.edit', ['user' => $id])->with('PhoneExists', '

Der findes allerede en bruger med det Telefon Nr.!

'); elseif ($request->password != "") { // If you have edited the password, then run this if ($request->password == $request->password2) { // If the password is the same as confirm password, then update everything from user $data = $request->all(); /** @var User $user */ $user->update($data); } else // Else go back with an error message return redirect()->route("users.edit", ['user' => $id])->with('error#notsamepass', '

Der stod ikke det samme i `Password` & `Bekræft Adgangskode`!

'); } else { // If you haven't touched the password, then update everything else but password $data = $request->only(['name_first', 'name_last', 'email', 'phone', 'roles']); /** @var User $user */ $user->update($data); } $user->roles()->detach(); $user->forgetCachedPermissions(); foreach ($request->roles as $role) { $user->assignRole($role); } } } $users = User::query()->paginate(20); return redirect()->route("users.index"); } /** * Remove the specified resource from storage. * * @param int $id * @return \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse */ public function destroy($id) { if(Auth::user()->hasPermissionTo("user.delete")) { $user = User::find($id); $user->delete(); } return redirect()->route("users.index"); } /*******************************************/ /* Authentication */ /*******************************************/ public function showLogin() { if(Auth::user() == null) return Response::detect("users.login"); else return redirect()->back(); } public function login(Request $request) { $data = $request->only("email", "password"); $remember = $request->rememberpassword; if(Auth::attempt($data, $remember)) { return redirect()->route("root.index"); } if (request()->cookie('languagesSetting') == "dk") return redirect()->back(303)->with('error#wrongcredentials', '

Email eller Password matchede ikke!

'); if (request()->cookie('languagesSetting') == "en") return redirect()->back(303)->with('error#wrongcredentials', '

Wrong Email or Password!

'); return redirect()->back(303)->with('error#wrongcredentials', '

Email eller Password matchede ikke!

'); } public function logout(Request $request) { Auth::logout(); if (request()->cookie('languagesSetting') == "dk") return redirect()->route("users.login")->with('success#loggedout', '

Du er hermed logget ud!

'); if (request()->cookie('languagesSetting') == "en") return redirect()->route("users.login")->with('success#loggedout', '

You are logged out!

'); return redirect()->route("users.login")->with('success#loggedout', '

Du er hermed logget ud!

'); } /*******************************************/ /* Forgot password */ /*******************************************/ public function showForgot(){ return Response::detect('users.forgot'); } public function forgot(Request $request){ $user = User::query()->where('email', '=', $request->email)->first(); if($user == null){ return redirect()->back()->with('errornosuchuser', '

Denne email findes ikke i systemet!

'); } //Send email $email = $user->email; $pswd = ""; //Generate password $characters = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'; $n = 6; $randomString = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) { $index = rand(0, strlen($characters) - 1); $randomString .= $characters[$index]; } $pswd = $randomString; $user->setPasswordAttribute($pswd); $user->update(); $subject = "SDE Skolehjem reset password"; $msg = "Hej " . $user->name_first . " ". $user->name_last . ".\n\nDin adgangskode er nu: " . $pswd; mail($email, $subject, $msg); return redirect()->route('users.login'); } /*******************************************/ /* Account */ /*******************************************/ public function account() { return Response::detect("users.account"); } public function accountedit() { return Response::detect("users.edit"); } public function accounteditpic() { return Response::detect("users.editpic"); } public function accounteditpass() { return Response::detect("users.editpass"); } /** * Update the specified resource in storage. * * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request * @return \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse */ public function accountupdate(Request $request) { /** @var User $user */ $user = User::find(Auth::id()); if ($request->input('password') != null) { // If you're editing the password $data = $request->only(['name_first', 'name_last', 'email', 'phone', 'password']); if ($request->input('password') != $request->input('confirmpassword')) { // If new password and new password confirm is not the same, go back with fail message. if (request()->cookie('languagesSetting') == "dk") return redirect()->route("users.accounteditpass")->with('error#notsamepass', '

Der stod ikke det samme i `Nyt Password` & `Confirm Password`!

'); elseif (request()->cookie('languagesSetting') == "en") return redirect()->route("users.accounteditpass")->with('error#notsamepass', '

`New Password` & `Confirm Password` was not the same!

'); else return redirect()->route("users.accounteditpass")->with('error#notsamepass', '

Der stod ikke det samme i `Nyt Password` & `Confirm Password`!

'); } elseif (!Hash::check($request->input('oldpassword'), $user->password)) { // If the written current password and current password in DB is not the same, go back with fail message. if (request()->cookie('languagesSetting') == "dk") return redirect()->route("users.accounteditpass")->with('error#oldpass', '

Det indtastede password i `Nuværende Password` er ikke dit nuværende password!

'); elseif (request()->cookie('languagesSetting') == "en") return redirect()->route("users.accounteditpass")->with('error#oldpass', '

The entered `Current Password` was not the same as your current password!

'); else return redirect()->route("users.accounteditpass")->with('error#oldpass', '

Det indtastede password i `Nuværende Password` er ikke dit nuværende password!

'); } else { // If new password and current password is the same AND current written and current DB password is the same. Then update and logout. /** @var User $user */ $user->update($data); Auth::logout(); if (request()->cookie('languagesSetting') == "dk") return redirect()->route("users.login")->with('success#passwordchange', '

Dit password er hermed ændret!

'); elseif (request()->cookie('languagesSetting') == "en") return redirect()->route("users.login")->with('success#passwordchange', '

Your password was changed successfully!

'); else return redirect()->route("users.login")->with('success#passwordchange', '

Dit password er hermed ændret!

'); } } else if($request->file("resource")) { // Else if you're editing the profile pic $user->update([ "resource_id" => ResourceController::store($request)->id ]); return redirect()->route("users.account"); } else { // Else if you're not editing the password but anything else (Email, Phone Number). Then update user. $data = $request->only(['email', 'phone']); $user->update($data); if (request()->cookie('languagesSetting') == "dk") return redirect()->route("users.account")->with('success#credentialschanged', '

Dine oplysninger er hermed ændret!

'); elseif (request()->cookie('languagesSetting') == "en") return redirect()->route("users.account")->with('success#credentialschanged', '

Your information has changed!

'); else return redirect()->route("users.account")->with('success#credentialschanged', '

Dine oplysninger er hermed ændret!

'); } $users = User::query()->paginate(20); return redirect()->route("users.index"); } public function createajax() { // Check the UserEvent table if there is a row that has the user_id AND the event_id $User = User::query()->where('id', '=', auth()->user()->id); // If you are in the Event, then remove yourself. if (count($User->get()) > 0) { // If not, then it keeps going and saves and shows a success message $User->update([ "wants_emails" => true ]); if (request()->cookie('languagesSetting') == "dk") return '

Du får nu mails, når der kommer nyheder!

'; if (request()->cookie('languagesSetting') == "en") return "

You'll now receive a mail when there's news!

"; return '

Du får nu mails, når der kommer nyheder!

'; } } public function createajaxcancel() { // Check the UserEvent table if there is a row that has the user_id AND the event_id $User = User::query()->where('id', '=', auth()->user()->id); // If you are in the Event, then remove yourself. if (count($User->get()) > 0) { // If not, then it keeps going and saves and shows a success message $User->update([ "wants_emails" => false ]); if (request()->cookie('languagesSetting') == "dk") return '

Du får ikke mails mere, når kommer nyheder!

'; if (request()->cookie('languagesSetting') == "en") return "

You'll no longer receive a mail when there's news!

"; return '

Du får ikke mails mere, når kommer nyheder!

'; } } /*******************************************/ /* Search and settings */ /*******************************************/ public function search(Request $request){ if($request->ajax()){ $output = "". "Fornavn". "Efternavn". "Email". "Tlf nr". "Rolle(r)". "\"Update\"". "\"Delete\"". ""; //Join user and roles tables //$users = User::query()->where('Roles', 'LIKE',$request->search.'%')->with(Spatie\Permission\Models\Role)->get(); //filter search if($request->isCheck === "navn") $users = User::query()->where('name_first', 'LIKE',$request->search.'%')->get(); elseif ($request->isCheck === "efternavn") $users = User::query()->where('name_last', 'LIKE',$request->search.'%')->get(); elseif ($request->isCheck === "email") $users = User::query()->where('email', 'LIKE',$request->search.'%')->get(); elseif ($request->isCheck === "telefon") $users = User::query()->where('phone', 'LIKE',$request->search.'%')->get(); elseif ($request->isCheck === "telefon") $users = User::query()->where('phone', 'LIKE',$request->search.'%')->get(); elseif ($request->isCheck) { $roles = Role::query()->where('name', 'LIKE', $request->search . '%')->get(); $usersTEMP = User::all(); $users = []; foreach ($usersTEMP as $user) { foreach ($roles as $role) { if($user->hasRole($role)) { array_push($users, $user); break 1; } } } if($request->search == "") $users = User::all(); } else { $usersTEMP = User::query() ->where('name_first', 'LIKE', $request->search . '%') ->orWhere('name_last', 'LIKE', $request->search . '%') ->orWhere('phone', 'LIKE', $request->search . '%') ->orWhere('email', 'LIKE', $request->search . '%') ->get(); $roles = Role::query()->where('name', 'LIKE', $request->search . '%')->get(); $users = new Collection(); $allUsers = User::all(); //For hver user i systemet, check om han har en af de roller der matcher søgeordet foreach ($allUsers as $user) { foreach ($roles as $role) { if($user->hasRole($role)) { $users->add($user); break 1; } } } //For hver user der har data, der matcher søgeordet, check om useren allerede er i resultatet, hvis ikke så tilføj ham foreach ($usersTEMP as $userTEMP){ $isInUsers = false; foreach ($users as $user) { if($userTEMP == $user) { $isInUsers = true; break 2; } } if($isInUsers == false) $users->add($userTEMP); } if($request->search == "") $users = User::all(); $unique = $users->flatten()->unique('phone'); $users = $unique->values()->all(); } if(count($users) !== 0){ foreach ($users as $key => $user){ $roles = null; $rolesString = null; foreach (User::all() as $usr) { if($usr->id == $user->id) $roles = $usr->roles; } for($i = 0; $i < count($roles); $i++) { if(count($roles)-1 != $i) { $rolesString .= $roles[$i]->name.","; }else { $rolesString = $roles[$i]->name; } } $output.=''. '' . $user->name_first . ''. '' . $user->name_last . ''. '' . $user->email . ''. '' . $user->phone .''. '' . $rolesString .''. ' $user->id ]) . '">Update'. '
$user->id ]). '" class="w-100 nostyle">'. csrf_field(). method_field("delete"). ''. '
'. ''. ''; } }else{ $output.=''. 'Intet match'. ''. ''. ''. ''. ''. ''. ''; } return Response($output); } } public function setLanguages(Request $request){ if($request->ajax()){ if($request->lang === "en"){ $response = new Response('Set Cookie'); $response->withCookie(cookie('languagesSetting', $request->lang, 5259488)); return $response; }elseif($request->lang === "dk"){ $response = new Response('Set Cookie'); $response->withCookie(cookie('languagesSetting', $request->lang, 5259488)); return $response; } } } public function setDarkMode(Request $request){ if($request->ajax()){ if($request->darkmode === "dark"){ $response = new Response('dark'); $response->withCookie(cookie('mode', $request->darkmode, 5259488)); return $response; }elseif($request->darkmode === "light"){ $response = new Response('light'); $response->withCookie(cookie('mode', $request->darkmode, 5259488)); return $response; } } } /* public function nameCheck(Request $request){ $users = User::query()->where('mail', 'LIKE',$request->mailCheck) ->get(); if(count($users) > 0 && $request->mailCheck !== NULL){ return 1; } } */ }