import expect from "expect" import validateHelper, { expectNoErrorsOrWarnings } from "../validate-helper.js" describe("validation plugin - semantic - oas3 refs", () => { describe("$refs for request bodies must reference a request body by position", () => { it("should return an error when a requestBody incorrectly references a local component schema", () => { const spec = { openapi: "3.0.0", paths: { "/": { post: { operationId: "myId", requestBody: { $ref: "#/components/schemas/MySchema" } } } }, components: { schemas: { MySchema: { type: "string" } } } } return validateHelper(spec) .then(system => { const allErrors = system.errSelectors.allErrors().toJS() const firstError = allErrors[0] expect(allErrors.length).toEqual(1) expect(firstError.message).toEqual(`requestBody $refs cannot point to '#/components/schemas/…', they must point to '#/components/requestBodies/…'`) expect(firstError.path).toEqual(["paths", "/", "post", "requestBody", "$ref"]) }) }) it("should not return an error when a requestBody references a remote component schema", () => { const spec = { openapi: "3.0.0", paths: { "/": { post: { operationId: "myId", requestBody: { $ref: "" } } } } } return expectNoErrorsOrWarnings(spec) }) it("should return an error when a requestBody in a callback incorrectly references a local component schema", () => { const spec = { openapi: "3.0.0", info: null, version: "1.0.0-oas3", title: "example", paths: { "/api/callbacks": { post: { responses: { "200": { description: "OK" } }, callbacks: { callback: { "/callback": { post: { requestBody: { $ref: "#/components/schemas/callbackRequest" }, responses: { "200": { description: "OK" } } } } } } } } }, components: { schemas: { callbackRequest: { type: "object", properties: { property1: { type: "integer", example: 10000 } } } } } } return validateHelper(spec) .then(system => { const allErrors = system.errSelectors.allErrors().toJS() const firstError = allErrors[0] expect(allErrors.length).toEqual(1) expect(firstError.message).toEqual(`requestBody $refs cannot point to '#/components/schemas/…', they must point to '#/components/requestBodies/…'`) expect(firstError.path).toEqual(["paths", "/api/callbacks", "post", "callbacks", "callback", "/callback", "post", "requestBody", "$ref"]) }) }) it("should return no errors when a requestBody correctly references a local component request body", () => { const spec = { openapi: "3.0.0", paths: { "/": { post: { operationId: "myId", requestBody: { $ref: "#/components/requestBodies/MyBody" } } } }, components: { requestBodies: { MyBody: { content: { "application/json": { schema: { type: "string" } } } } } } } return expectNoErrorsOrWarnings(spec) }) it("should return no errors when a requestBody correctly references a local operation request body", () => { const spec = { openapi: "3.0.0", paths: { "/": { post: { operationId: "myId", requestBody: { $ref: "#/paths/~1/put/requestBody" } }, put: { requestBody: { content: { "application/json": { schema: { type: "string" } } } } } } } } return expectNoErrorsOrWarnings(spec) }) it("should return no errors when a requestBody correctly references a remote component request body", () => { const spec = { openapi: "3.0.0", paths: { "/": { post: { operationId: "myId", requestBody: { $ref: "" } } } }, components: { requestBodies: { MyBody: { content: { "application/json": { schema: { type: "string" } } } } } } } return expectNoErrorsOrWarnings(spec) }) it("should return no errors when a requestBody correctly references a remote https component request body", () => { const spec = { openapi: "3.0.0", paths: { "/": { post: { operationId: "myId", requestBody: { $ref: "" } } } }, components: { requestBodies: { MyBody: { content: { "application/json": { schema: { type: "string" } } } } } } } return expectNoErrorsOrWarnings(spec) }) it("should return no errors when a requestBody correctly references an external yaml file", () => { const spec = { openapi: "3.0.0", paths: { "/": { post: { operationId: "myId", requestBody: { $ref: "addPetBody.yaml" } } } }, components: { requestBodies: { MyBody: { content: { "application/json": { schema: { type: "string" } } } } } } } return expectNoErrorsOrWarnings(spec) }) it("should return no errors when a requestBody correctly references an external yaml pointing some node", () => { const spec = { openapi: "3.0.0", paths: { "/": { post: { operationId: "myId", requestBody: { $ref: "./components.yaml#/path/to/some/node" } } } }, components: { requestBodies: { MyBody: { content: { "application/json": { schema: { type: "string" } } } } } } } return expectNoErrorsOrWarnings(spec) }) }) describe("$refs for requestbody schemas must reference a schema by position", () => { it("should return an error when a requestBody schema incorrectly references a local component requestBody", () => { const spec = { openapi: "3.0.0", paths: { "/foo": { post: { requestBody: { content: { "application/json": { schema: { $ref: "#/components/requestBodies/Foo" } } } } } } }, components: { requestBodies: { Foo: { type: "string" } } } } return validateHelper(spec) .then(system => { const allErrors = system.errSelectors.allErrors().toJS() const allSemanticErrors = allErrors.filter(err => err.source === "semantic") expect(allSemanticErrors.length).toEqual(1) const firstError = allSemanticErrors[0] expect(firstError.message).toEqual(`requestBody schema $refs must point to a position where a Schema Object can be legally placed`) expect(firstError.path).toEqual(["paths", "/foo", "post", "requestBody", "content", "application/json", "schema", "$ref"]) }) }) it("should not return an error when a requestBody schema references a local component schema", () => { const spec = { openapi: "3.0.0", paths: { "/foo": { post: { requestBody: { content: { "application/json": { schema: { $ref: "#/components/schemas/Foo" } } } } } } }, components: { schemas: { Foo: { type: "string" } } } } return validateHelper(spec) .then(system => { const allErrors = system.errSelectors.allErrors().toJS() expect(allErrors.length).toEqual(0) }) }) it("should not return an error when a requestBody schema references remote document paths", () => { const spec = { openapi: "3.0.0", paths: { "/foo": { post: { requestBody: { content: { "application/json": { schema: { $ref: "" } } } } } } } } return validateHelper(spec) .then(system => { const allErrors = system.errSelectors.allErrors().toJS() expect(allErrors.length).toEqual(0) }) }) it("should not return an error when a requestBody schema references entire remote documents", () => { const spec = { openapi: "3.0.0", paths: { "/foo": { post: { requestBody: { content: { "application/json": { schema: { $ref: "addPetBody.yaml" } } } } } } } } return validateHelper(spec) .then(system => { const allErrors = system.errSelectors.allErrors().toJS() expect(allErrors.length).toEqual(0) }) }) it("should not return an error when a requestBody schema references local operation requestBody schemas", () => { const spec = { openapi: "3.0.0", paths: { "/foo": { post: { responses: { "200": { description: "OK" } }, requestBody: { content: { "application/json": { schema: { type: "string" } } } } }, put: { requestBody: { responses: { "200": { description: "OK" } }, content: { "application/json": { schema: { $ref: "#/paths/~1foo/post/requestBody/content/application~1json/schema" } } } } } } } } return validateHelper(spec) .then(system => { const allErrors = system.errSelectors.allErrors().toJS() expect(allErrors.length).toEqual(0) }) }) }) describe("response header $refs should not point to parameters", () => { it("should return an error when a response header incorrectly references a local parameter component", () => { const spec = { openapi: "3.0.0", paths: { "/foo": { get: { responses: { "200": { description: "OK", headers: { "X-MyHeader": { $ref: "#/components/parameters/MyHeader" } } } } } } }, components: { headers: { MyHeader: { $ref: "#/components/parameters/MyHeader" } }, parameters: { MyHeader: {} } } } return validateHelper(spec) .then(system => { const allErrors = system.errSelectors.allErrors().toJS() const firstError = allErrors[0] expect(allErrors.length).toEqual(1) expect(firstError.message).toEqual(`OAS3 header $refs should point to #/components/headers/... and not #/components/parameters/...`) expect(firstError.path).toEqual(["paths", "/foo", "get","responses","200", "headers", "X-MyHeader", "$ref"]) }) }) it("should return no errors when a response header correctly references a local header component", () => { const spec = { openapi: "3.0.0", paths: { "/foo": { get: { responses: { "200": { description: "OK", headers: { "X-MyHeader": { $ref: "#/components/headers/MyHeader" } } } } } } }, components: { headers: { MyHeader: { $ref: "#/components/headers/MyHeader" } } } } return expectNoErrorsOrWarnings(spec) }) it("should return no errors for external $refs in response headers", () => { const spec = { openapi: "3.0.0", paths: { "/foo": { get: { responses: { "200": { description: "OK", headers: { "X-MyHeader": { $ref: "" } } } } } } }, components: { headers: { MyHeader: { $ref: "#/components/headers/MyHeader" } } } } return expectNoErrorsOrWarnings(spec) }) }) describe("parameter $refs should not point to header components", () => { it("should return an error when a parameter incorrectly references a response header component", () => { const spec = { openapi: "3.0.0", paths: { "/foo": { parameters: [ { $ref: "#/components/headers/foo" } ], get: { parameters: [ { $ref: "#/components/headers/foo" } ], responses: { "200": { description: "OK" } } } } }, components: { parameters: { myParam: { $ref: "#/components/headers/foo" } }, headers: { foo: {} } } } return validateHelper(spec) .then(system => { const allErrors = system.errSelectors.allErrors().toJS() expect(allErrors.length).toEqual(3) const firstError = allErrors[0] expect(firstError.message).toEqual(`OAS3 parameter $refs should point to #/components/parameters/... and not #/components/headers/...`) expect(firstError.path).toEqual(["paths","/foo","parameters", "0", "$ref"]) const secondError = allErrors[1] expect(secondError.message).toEqual(`OAS3 parameter $refs should point to #/components/parameters/... and not #/components/headers/...`) expect(secondError.path).toEqual(["paths","/foo","get","parameters", "0", "$ref"]) const thirdError = allErrors[2] expect(thirdError.message).toEqual(`OAS3 parameter $refs should point to #/components/parameters/... and not #/components/headers/...`) expect(thirdError.path).toEqual(["components","parameters", "myParam", "$ref"]) }) }) it("should return no errors when a parameter correctly references a parameter component", () => { const spec = { openapi: "3.0.0", paths: { "/foo": { parameters: [ { $ref: "#/components/parameters/foo" } ], get: { parameters: [ { $ref: "#/components/parameters/foo" } ], responses: { "200": { description: "OK" } } } } }, components: { parameters: { foo: { $ref: "#/components/parameters/foo" } } } } return expectNoErrorsOrWarnings(spec) }) it("should return no errors for external parameter $refs", () => { const spec = { openapi: "3.0.0", paths: { "/foo": { parameters: [ { $ref: "" } ], get: { parameters: [ { $ref: "" } ], responses: { "200": { description: "OK" } } } } }, components: { parameters: { foo: { $ref: "" } } } } return expectNoErrorsOrWarnings(spec) }) }) })