@if($new->resource_id !== null)
@if ($new->type_id == 1 || $new->type_id == 2) {{-- If it's a news or menu then display the whole message --}}
{!! $new->content !!}
@else {{-- If it's a menu, guide or event. Then display up to 300 characters of text --}}
{!! \App\Helpers::closetags(substr($new->content, 0, 300) ) !!}
@if ($new->type_id == 3) {{-- If it's displaying an event, then show `Tilmeld`, `Læs mere` & `Se deltagere` --}}
@elseif ($new->type_id == 4) {{-- Else if's displaying guides, then show `Læs mere` --}}
@endif {{-- Else if it's a menu or news, then don't show a button at bottom --}}