# Deploy `swagger-editor-dist` to npm. # Parameter Expansion: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6393551/what-is-the-meaning-of-0-in-a-bash-script cd "${0%/*}" # Get Editor version EDITOR_VERSION=$(node -p "require('../package.json').version") # Replace our version placeholder with Editor's version sed -i.bak "s/\$\$VERSION/$EDITOR_VERSION/g" package.json rm package.json.bak # Copy Editor's dist files to our directory cp ../dist/* . # Copy index.html cp ../index.html . # Rewire `./dist` references to `.` in index.html sed -i.bak "s/\.\/dist/\./g" index.html rm index.html.bak if [ "$PUBLISH_DIST" = "true" ] || [ "$TRAVIS" = "true" ] ; then npm publish . else npm pack . fi find . -not -name .npmignore -not -name .npmrc -not -name deploy.sh -not -name package.json -not -name README.md -not -name *.tgz -delete