input("s"); $posts = Post::query() ->join("statuses", "posts.status_id", "=", "") ->join("occupations", "posts.occupation_id", "=", "") ->where("posts.title", "LIKE", "%{$search}%") ->orWhere("posts.text", "LIKE", "%{$search}%") ->orWhere("", "LIKE", "%{$search}%") ->orWhere("", "LIKE", "%{$search}%") ->where("", "NOT", "Pending") ->get(); return view("index", [ "posts" => $posts]); } /** * @return Application|Factory|View */ public function create() : View { $occupations = Occupation::all(); $formats = TimePeriod::all(); return view("create-post", [ "occupations" => $occupations, "formats" => $formats ]); } /** * @param Request $request * @return RedirectResponse */ public function store(Request $request) : RedirectResponse { $saved = false; $rawpost = $request->validate([ 'title' => 'required|string', 'text' => 'required|string', 'file' => 'nullable|file|mimes:pdf', 'time' => 'required|integer', 'time_period_id' => 'required|integer', 'occupation_id' => 'required|integer', ]); $post = new Post(); $post->title = $rawpost["title"]; $post->post_time = Carbon::now(); $post->time = $rawpost["time"]; // Sets state to the default. $post->status()->associate(Status::where("name", "Pending")->first()); // Sets the user to the current user. $post->user()->associate($request->user()); if($request->user()->role->name === "Admin"){ $post->status()->associate(Status::where("name", "Looking for collaborator")->first()); } else { $post->status()->associate(Status::where("name", "Pending")->first()); } // Sets status to the default. $post->timePeriod()->associate($rawpost["time_period_id"]); $post->occupation()->associate($rawpost["occupation_id"]); // if(key_exists("text", $rawpost) && $rawpost['text'] != null) { $post->text = $rawpost['text']; $saved = $post->save(); // } // else { // Handle file upload. if(key_exists("file", $rawpost)) { if($request->file("file") == null) { return \redirect("error"); } $filePath = $request->file("file")->store("public/uploads"); $file = new File(); $file->link = $filePath; $saved = $post->save(); $file->post()->associate($post); $file->save(); } // } if($saved) { return redirect()->route("index"); } return redirect()->route("error"); } /** * Display the specified resource. * * @param Post $post * @return View */ public function show(Post $post): View { $occupations = Occupation::all(); $formats = TimePeriod::all(); $states = Status::all(); return view("", [ "post" => $post, "occupations" => $occupations, "formats" => $formats, "states" => $states ]); } /** * @param Request $request * @param Post $post * @return Application|Factory|View */ public function update(Request $request, Post $post) { Log::critical("REEEEE"); $data = $request->validate([ 'title' => 'required|string', // 'text' => 'required|string', 'text' => 'required|string', 'file' => 'nullable|file', 'time' => 'required|integer', 'occupation_id' => 'required|integer', 'state_id' => 'required|integer', 'time_period_id' => 'required|integer' ]); Log::critical("PRE UPDATE"); $post->update($data); Log::critical("UPDATE"); $saved = false; // if(key_exists("text", $data) && $data['text'] != null && $data['text'] != '') { $post->text = $data['text']; Log::critical("FIRST IF"); $saved = $post->save(); // } // else { // Handle file upload. if(key_exists("file", $data)) { if($request->file("file") == null) { return \redirect("error"); } $filePath = ""; if($post->files()->first()->exists()) { $filePath = $request->file("file")->storeAs("public/uploads", $post->files()->first()->link); // $saved = $post->save(); Log::critical("IF"); } else { $filePath = $request->file("file")->store("public/uploads"); $file = new File(); $file->link = $filePath; $file->post()->associate($post); $file->save(); Log::critical("ELSE"); } } // } $post->occupation()->associate(Occupation::find($data["occupation_id"])); $post->status()->associate(Status::find($data["state_id"])); $post->timePeriod()->associate(TimePeriod::find($data["time_period_id"])); $saved = $post->save(); $occupations = Occupation::all(); $formats = TimePeriod::all(); $states = Status::all(); if($saved){ return view("", [ "post" => $post, "occupations" => $occupations, "formats" => $formats, "states" => $states ]); }else{ return view("", [ "post" => $post, "occupations" => $occupations, "formats" => $formats, "states" => $states, "success" => "Opdaterede opslaget." ]); } } /** * @param Post $post * @return RedirectResponse */ public function destroy(Post $post) : RedirectResponse { $post->delete(); return redirect()->route("index"); } }